Pineapple/bromelain and the immune-strengthening effect
In a similar way to papaya, pineapple's stimulating and regulating effect on our immune system is multifactorial and takes place on the following basis:
- Bromelain stimulates the production of leukocytes (white blood cells).
- Bromelain increases the production of cytokines (interleukins and tumour necrosis factor).
- Pineapple and bromelain relieve the immune system through their antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal effects.
- Pineapple eliminates immune complexes and prevents the formation of new ones.
- Pineapple and its enzymes clean and detoxify the body.
- Pineapple optimizes the breakdown of protein metabolites.
- Pineapple has high levels of other immune-strengthening substances such as vitamin C.
- Pineapple cleanses the intestinal villi.
Anti-inflammatory effect of bromelain
The anti-inflammatory effect of bromelain is based on several physiological processes:
- platelet aggregation is inhibited,
- blood clotting is suppressed,
- it reacts with the plasma protein α2-macroglobulin,
- it affects plasma kinesins and prostaglandins.
Effect of pineapple against hyperacidity
According to Paracelsus, the forefather of all doctors, the overacidification (acidosis) of our bodies is ‘the basic evil of all diseases’. Acidosis results directly or indirectly in lifestyle diseases such as cancer, diabetes, rheumatism, fungi and others. Recent medical studies prove that acidification is the main cause of 60 to 70 % of all lifestyle diseases. Acidification of the body is attributed to modern stress, modern (acid-forming) diet and medication, and about 98 % of all people have acidosis, 80 % severely!
Pineapple, after papaya, is the strongest alkali of all known fruits, which makes it perfect for regulating our acid-base balance (measured in terms of pH) very efficiently. Furthermore, pineapple activates our metabolism with its enzymes and keeps the intestinal flora healthy.
Special effects of pineapple and bromelain on diseases and maladies
With its power enzyme ‘bromelain’, pineapple proves to be very effective against the following diseases and conditions:
- cardiovascular disease (including protection against heart attack and stroke !)
- claudication
- high blood pressure
- atherosclerosis
- flu/cold
- asthma
- acne
- problems in the pancreas
- loss of appetite
- inflammation of the colon (colitis)
- diarrhoea
- constipation
- urinary tract disorders
- signs of ageing
- cancer
- depression
- thrombosis
- muscle spasms
- ulcers
- sinusitis
- tenosynovitis
- ovary inflammation
- sore throat
- dementia
- arthritis
- gout
- arthrosis (activated)
- joint rheumatism
- muscular rheumatism
- cellulitis
- varicose veins
- flatulence
- inflammations of all kinds
- burns
- sleep disorders
- menstrual cramps
- athlete’s foot
- eczema
- oedema
- scurvy
- fungi/mycoses (e.g. Candida albicans )
- psoriasis
- swellings (e.g. sports injuries)
- digestion problems
- gastritis
- general stomach trouble
- heartburn
- stomach ulcers
- gum bleeding
- gum inflammation/parodontosis
- ageing spots
- infertility
- sexual disorders/impotence
Effect of bromelain on rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis
Bromelain has the ability to inhibit the formation of the pro-inflammatory prostaglandin ‘thromboxane’, making it perfect for the successful treatment of arthritis. With enzyme therapy, around 90 % of rheumatism patients are able to relieve symptoms. When combined with a raw-food diet, the chance of recovery increases rapidly! Bromelain plays an important role in deactivating antibodies and inhibiting of prostaglandin E2.
Another aspect of the anti-inflammatory effect of pineapple enzymes lies
- in the stimulation of plasmin production, an endogenous drug that breaks down fibrin;
- in the prevention of platelet clumping, and thus in the prevention of blood clotting in the affected body tissue, swelling and inflammation.
- Furthermore, bromelain recognises immune complexes that circulate freely in the body and trigger auto-immune diseases such as rheumatism. It dissolves them before the body turns against them and attacks itself (exactly the mechanisms that are so tissue-damaging and painful in rheumatoid arthritis and other rheumatic diseases!).
The alkalising effect of pineapple, which is due to the high potassium content and certain fruit acids, is also worthy of note. This has a deacidifying effect on the body, as it produces an even acid-alkali balance, something that should always be the foundation of efficient arthritis therapy and other rheumatic diseases. A high dose of 900-1200 mg bromelain/day is recommended until the swelling and pain subsides, followed by a maintenance dose of 450 mg/day.
Effect of bromelain against gout
See the previous section ‘Effect of bromelain on rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis‘.
The effect of bromelain on activated arthrosis
Activated arthrosis is characterised by the fact that the joint is inflamed and painfully swollen. The tricky thing about this is that these activated phases are not only very painful, but also have a highly destructive effect on the hyaline cartilage. These symptoms should always be cleared as soon as possible.
The anti-inflammatory effect of bromelain can counteract the active phases of arthrosis and promote the healing or stabilisation of arthrosis and relieve arthrosis pain.
Effect of bromelain in colitis and other inflammatory intestinal disorders
Bromelain prevents the formation of the pro-inflammatory prostaglandin thromboxane, which means that it can also remedy colitis and inflammatory bowel disease.
Effect of bromelain on cardiovascular disease
Bromelain plays the role of a ‘pipe cleaner’ and has the long term ability to rid our blood vessels of debris, thereby counteracting atherosclerosis and related cardiovascular diseases, which can lead to heart attacks, thrombosis and even strokes.
In addition, the ingredients of pineapple prove to encourage blood circulation by keeping the blood fluid, preventing blood clots and dissolving existing blood clots.
This leads to efficient perfusion of the heart muscle, angina pectoris pains are demonstrably reduced and vessel blockages that can lead to a heart attack or stroke are avoided. According to Dr. Nieper, the majority of the 20,000 leg amputations performed in 1982 could have been avoided with high doses of bromelain.
Effect on cardiovascular diseases, therapeutic and prophylactic:
- protection against atherosclerosis;
- reduction of angina pectoris attacks;
- breakdown of deposits in the blood vessels (arteriosclerosis/plaque);
- protection against blood clotting as a result of fibrin breakdown and thus better blood flow;
- lowers blood pressure;
- prevents clumping of platelets (thrombocyte aggregation);
- de-acidifies (solidification of platelets – and its dangerous consequences – is avoided);
- effective against angina.
High-dose bromelain proves to be far more successful than many conventional medicines with a high potential for side effects – without any such side effects!
To quote the luminary Dr. Hans Nieper, who recommends bromelain for prophylaxis and treatment of heart disease: ‘Bromelain is more effective than Marcumar and beta blockers at preventing heart attacks’.[1]
Pineapple’s effect on thrombosis
Thrombosis occurs when the natural balance between blood clotting and the dissolution of blood clots is disturbed. This balance is primarily maintained by various enzymes.
If these enzymes are lacking, dangerous thromboses are formed which can clog our blood vessels and capillaries so that the tissue behind them can no longer be adequately supplied with blood and thus with oxygen. If a blood vessel is cut off from the blood supply to the heart due to blood clots, a heart attack may result. If a blood vessel that leads to the brain becomes blocked with blood clots, the person can suffer a stroke.
Like papaya, pineapple keeps the blood fluid and can thus pre-emptively prevent thrombosis. Here, bromelain acts as a selective prostaglandin inhibitor (thromboxane A2) and thus prevents platelet clumping. Existing blood clots, which can lead to the aforementioned health problems, however, are broken down by the pineapple enzymes.
Effect of bromelain on sports injuries in general
Sports injuries, such as bruises, ligament strains, dislocations and torn muscle fibres, are commonplace in competitive sports and bromelain has already made a name for itself here. It supports the healing process by relieving inflammation and reducing swelling and bruises.
Effect of bromelain on swelling (e.g. sports injuries)
All injuries caused by external factors (compression, contusion, torn ligaments and others) result in painful swelling that severely limits mobility. The main cause of the swelling is an increased amount of protein within the injured tissue; the protein components enter the injured tissue from the damaged lymphatic and blood vessels together with the body's own fluid and form the unpleasant swelling. Unfortunately, this hinders proper healing, so it not only causes painful symptoms, but also delays healing. Here, the pineapple enzyme ‘bromelain’ becomes actively involved, dissolves the protein components and prevents the swelling, thus accelerating the healing process.
Effect of bromelain against inflammations of all kinds
Bromelain is able to break down fibrin, inhibit blood clotting in the affected tissue, and transport metabolic waste and toxins out of the tissues. This has a decongestant, anti-inflammatory and fever-reducing effect.
Effect of bromelain on burns
Experience from doctors has shown that bromelain significantly reduces the mortality rate of third-degree burns. Burnt tissue regenerates faster, the risk of sepsis is reduced, and healing is quicker.
Effect of bromelain on sinusitis
Even in the case of sinusitis, the fact that bromelain prevents the formation of the pro-inflammatory prostaglandin ‘thromboxane’ is the factor which can alleviate and cure sinusitis.
Effect of bromelain on indigestion
Bromelain breaks down food components and thus relieves the strain on the digestive organs.
Effect of bromelain against intestinal parasites/worms
In the past, humans always resorted to the proven natural remedy pineapple when they were attacked by intestinal parasites. The proteolytic enzymes attack the parasites in the gut and dissolve them; the remaining components are transported out of the body. Just the presence of bromelain in the body makes worms retreat.
Effect of bromelain on flatulence
Flatulence can occur after a heavy meal; bromelain can prevent it beforehand when taken immediately after a meal rich in protein and fat.
Effect of bromelain on bloating and constipation
A bromelain capsule, taken immediately after a meal, can work wonders and counteract the two unpleasant conditions of bloating and constipation.
Effect of bromelain/pineapple on weight loss
Bromelain’s ability to break down protein supports digestion and is perfect for weight control. Food is used more efficiently, the body requires fewer calories, and more fats are burned. In addition, tissue water is eliminated and the body is detoxified in a healthy way. After attacks of gluttony, taking bromelain is recommended to stimulate the digestive juices. A complete detox day, consisting of fresh pineapple, can retroactively compensate for the resulting weight gain after sinful days.
Effect of pineapple against dementia
The niacin contained in pineapple improves cerebral circulation and thus acts against forgetfulness/dementia.
[1] Barbara Simonsohn: Die sagenhafte Heilkraft der Ananas (‘The Legendary Healing Power of Pineapple’) 4th Edition, 2012, p.108