Effect against arthritis

The anti-inflammatory effect of pomegranate works to alleviate symptoms such as arthritis. In this way, pomegranate protects the destruction of cartilage cells by arthritis. Here, polyphenols have an anti-inflammatory effect on the eicosanoid metabolism.

Effect against atherosclerosis

According to a long-term study, pomegranate juice can stop the development of atherosclerosis (deposits in blood vessels) and even reverse them by up to 30 % (see ‘Studies’ section).

Pomegranate juice increases the blood flow to the heart

In a study published in the Journal of Cardiology, 45 patients with coronary heart disease drank 240 ml of pomegranate juice from concentrate over a period of three months; the circulation of myocardium in myocardial scintigraphy improved under stress by 17 % and angina pectoris incidents fell by half. In the control group (which did not drink pomegranate juice), the patients deteriorated by 18 %. 

Effect of pomegranate juice against high blood pressure

Regulating the ACE enzyme (in line with the synthetic ACE inhibitor principle, with no side effects), high blood pressure can be reduced by 5 % after two weeks and by 21 % after one year – by taking 50 ml pomegranate concentrate daily.

Effect on cancer

The effect of the pomegranate against cancer is multifactorial and is due to the interaction of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory substances, phytohormonal substances and the substances involved in the development of the immune system and the cell signal pathways.

In summary, one assumes the following principles of action in pomegranate in the fight against cancer:

-                        Renewal of degenerated cancer cells: According to studies, pomegranate can regenerate degenerated (cancer) cells and turn them back into healthy cells. This is attributed to the flavonoids in the pomegranate.

-                        Transfer of cancer cells into programmed cell death: Alternatively, the flavonoids may cause the cancer cells to be driven to programmed cell death.

-                        Inhibition of cancer-promoting enzymes: Enzymes such as aromatase and 17-ß hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, matrix metalloproteases, ornithine decarboxylase and CYP enzymes have carcinogenic effects. The inhibition of these enzymes proves to be extremely effective in the prevention and therapy of malignant tumours.

-                        Regulation of hormone metabolism: Another option that pomegranate uses against cancer, especially against so-called hormone-dependent cancers, such as breast cancer and prostate cancer, is the regulation of the oestrogen metabolism which is due to plant oestrogens contained in the juice and polyphenols contained in the seeds.

-                        Inhibition of cancer-promoting signal pathways: Due to the phosphorylation inhibition of the MAP c-met and AKT kinases, corresponding cancer-promoting signal pathways are inhibited.

-                        Reduction of neoangiogenesis (neoplasm of tumour vessels): Studies have shown that the ingredients of pomegranate cause a significant suppression of neoplasm of tumour vessels.

-                        Binding of carcinogenic metals: By binding potentially carcinogenic metals to the polyphenols in the pomegranate, this can have a positive effect on the cancer process or prevent cancer.

-                        Antioxidant effect: Last but not least, pomegranate owes its effect against malignant tumours due to the cell-protecting effect against free radicals to the flavonoids contained in it.

All these general effects are exhibited by pomegranate:

-                        breast cancer

-                        colon cancer

-                        ovarian cancer

-                        lung cancer

-                        stomach cancer

-                        prostate cancer

-                        liver tumours

-                        stomach cancer

-                        skin cancer

-                        thyroid cancer

-                        leukemia

-                        lung cancer

-                        pancreatic cancer

-                        liver cancer

-                        melanoma


Effect of pomegranate against hormone-dependent cancers

Effect of pomegranate against breast cancer

Researchers Kim, Lansky and colleagues were able to prove that pomegranate has an anti-oestrogenic effect in studies in 2002. Pomegranate owes this to the polyphenols contained within it. Furthermore, the researchers were able to show that pomegranate blocks the enzyme ‘aromatase’ and thus reduces oestrogen synthesis in adipose tissue.

In this way, pomegranate acts against so-called ‘hormone-dependent carcinomas’, cancers that are triggered by hormone action. These include both breast cancer and prostate cancer.

Effect of pomegranate on:

-                       breast cancer

-                       colon cancer

-                       ovarian cancer

-                       lung cancer

-                       stomach cancer

-                       prostate cancer

-                       liver tumours

-                       stomach cancer

-                       skin cancer

-                       thyroid cancer

-                       leukemia

-                       lung cancer

-                       pancreatic cancer

-                       liver cancer

-                       melanoma

The flavonoid in the pomegranate, called apigenin, has, in recent studies, been shown to have a positive effect on the above-mentioned cancerous tumours, preventing their cancerous growth and metastasis. The latter is very high, considering that 90 % of all people who die of cancer do not die from the primary tumour, but from its metastases. In a multi-year study, 93 % of cancers were prevented from recurring in patients who had taken a mixture of flavonoids with apigenin after a colorectal cancer operation, while, in the control group (without apigenin consumption), the cancer recurred in nearly half of the patients. The effect is explained by the inhibitory property of apigenin on

-                       cancer proliferation,

-                       cancer growth

-                       as well as metastasis.

Effect against hormone-dependent cancers

As described above, researchers Kim, Lansky and colleagues were able to prove that pomegranate has an anti-oestrogenic effect in studies in 2002. Pomegranate owes this to the polyphenols contained within it. Furthermore, the researchers were able to show that pomegranate blocks the enzyme ‘aromatase’ and thus reduces oestrogen synthesis in adipose tissue.

Effect on intestinal inflammation

In a similar way as with arthritis, pomegranate can counteract inflammatory bowel disease.

Effect against influenza

The antiviral and antimicrobial effects of pomegranate make it a healthy alternative to flu shots, which come with side effects.

Effect against Alzheimer's

The protective effect of pomegranate in Alzheimer's is due to the polyphenols in vegetables and fruits. In one study, their effect reduced the risk of Alzheimer's disease by 75 %.

Effect on HIV/AIDS

The US research team led by  Prof. Neurath was able to detect substances in pomegranate juice which can prevent the penetration of HIV into the cell and thus the infection.

Effect in newborn babies against brain damage

During pregnancy, if taken regularly, the pomegranate can protect the brain of the unborn baby from brain damage.




Effect on menopausal symptoms

The high oestrogen content in pomegranate adopts a natural hormone regulation in the body and counteracts menopausal symptoms after the menopause. Pomegranate owes this effect to the active substance ‘oestrone’, which has a regulating and beneficial effect on the libido, the vaginal mucous membrane and the uterus.

Effect against premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

The pomegranate is no less effective in premenstrual syndrome (PMS). The active ingredients that help alleviate or prevent premenstrual symptoms include apigenin and luteolin, as well as phytoestrogens that can regulate oestrogen levels.

Effect against diabetes

Pomegranate lowers the intake of sugar in the intestine, prevents too high a blood sugar level and thus prevents diabetes.

Effect on digestive problems

The bitter ingredients of the pomegranate are responsible for its positive effect on digestive problems.

Effect on impotence

According to studies (see chapter ‘studies’), the polyphenols contained in the pomegranate were able to bring about an improvement in the condition of 47 % of all subjects.

Effect on excess weight 

The abundant polyphenols in the pomegranate affect both our lipid metabolism and the absorption and utilisation of dietary sugar. In numerous studies, the phenolic acids in pomegranate have proven to have a positive effect on excess weight, which pomegranate, as a weight-loss agent promotes along with a sensible diet.