L-carnosine protects telomeres from shortening and damage in a Chinese study.
L-carnosine reduces damage to telomeres and prevents their shortening in cultured fibroblasts. Telomeres form the ends of the chromosomes to which the DNA strands are packed tightly inside the cell. During cell division, the telomeres get shorter and shorter, leading to ageing. The ability to divide is unfortunately not infinite; from a certain telomere length, the cell can no longer divide and dies. The Chinese study describes the effect of L-carnosine on the telomeres of cultured human foetal lung fibroblasts. In this study, L-carnosine delayed replicative senescence and prolonged the lifetime of cultured human fibroblasts. For this purpose, scientists Shao L., Li QH and Tan Z. constantly imbibed the fibroblasts in 20 ml carnosine, which resulted in distinctly slowed telomere shortening and a prolonged life span within cell division. Furthermore, there was less DNA damage.
The scientists proposed the use of L-carnosine for the reduction of telomere shortening and to prevent telomere DNA damage as an important contributor to life extension.[1]
L-carnosine protects against heavy metals in studies and helps to reduce them
L-carnosine has the ability to bind pro-oxidative heavy metals such as zinc and copper, as well as toxic heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury and nickel, in the body so they can be broken down better.[2]
L-carnosine strengthens the ability of the heart muscle to contract in studies
In studies, L-carnosine has been able to show the same degree of cardiac contractility as verapamil, a commonly prescribed heart medication.[3]
Improved cardiac contraction with L-carnosine proven in studies
Carnosine increases the calcium response in the heart muscle cells, thereby increasing the efficiency of cardiac muscle contraction.[4]
L-carnosine successful against oxidation stress
In numerous studies, L-carnosine has demonstrated its ability to successfully combat oxidative stress.[5]
L-carnosine helps in studies against age-related visual impairment and cataracts
L-carnosine helps eye problems, both internally and externally. On the basis of L-carnosine, eye drops (so-called NAC drops) in professional circles are regarded as being highly effective against age-related visual impairment and cataracts. L-carnosine drops have proved effective for 80 % of cases of primary cataracts and for 100 % of age-related cataracts.[6]
L-carnosine prevents the development of gastric and duodenal ulcers in studies
According to a recent study, oral ingestion of L-carnosine can effectively prevent the formation of gastric and duodenal ulcers.[7]
Protective effect of L-carnosine against stroke in studies
Numerous studies indicate that L-carnosine can protect people against stroke.[8]
Death rate after a stroke lowered many times over with L-carnosine
In animal studies, several studies have indicated that L-carnosine reduces the mortality rate from 67 % (excluding L-carnosine) to 30 % and from 55 % to 17 % (in another study).[9]
L-carnosine acts as a neuro-carrier in studies and improves brain signals
As a neuro-transmitter, L-carnosine can enhance signals in the brain and ameliorate neurological conditions such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, autism, schizophrenia and dyslexia.[10]
Effect of L-carnosine on autism and Asperger’s syndrome
After treating nearly 1,000 autistic children with L-carnosine, the neurologist Dr. Chez from Chicago saw that L-carnosine was able to help 80-90 % children remarkably well after a short period of eight weeks. Dr. Chez says this is due to the ability of L-carnosine to connect with deeper brain areas as a neurotransmitter and to promote signal transmissions. The social behaviour of the children improved compared to others (for example, while playing), eye contact increased, reaction times decreased and reading ability significantly improved.
L-carnosine can provide protection against neurological and cognitive disorders such as Parkinson’s
Studies have shown that L-carnosine can neutralise toxic free radicals in the brain and provide protection against conditions such as Parkinson's.[11] L-carnosine hinders alpha-synuclein, a harmful substance that makes Parkinson's disease worse.[12]
L-carnosine counteracts epilepsy and schizophrenia in studies
Carbonylation and the effects of free radicals are the main causes of epilepsy and schizophrenia. In studies, L-carnosine has been shown to counteract oxidative stress and carbonylation in the brain.[13]
L-carnosine buffers lactic acid and increases muscle performance
In studies L-carnosine has been able to show that it can buffer lactate (lactic acid) and help prevent the premature abandonment of muscular anaerobic activity. This results in increased performance and creates the possibility for more intense and more frequent training sessions.[14]
L-carnosine rejuvenates body cells in studies and allows further divisions
1) In the laboratory, L-carnosine has led to astonishing rejuvenation of older cells in studies.[15]
2) In another series of experiments, Australian researchers have shown that L-carnosine even gives cells on the verge of senescence (the end of cell division ability) the ability to continue dividing. The cells regained their youthful appearance.[16]
L-carnosine rejuvenates human cells in studies
The research team around Prof. Hipkiss was able to confirm impressive studies that showed L-carnosine is able to rejuvenate human fibroblast cells (connective tissue cells).
The protection of L-carnosine against glycation
Glycation is synonymous with a crucial ageing process that manifests itself in the saccharification of organs and blood vessels. Several studies have shown that L-carnosine counteracts glycation very successfully.[17]
L-carnosine rejuvenates body cells, protects DNA and prolongs life
In several studies, L-carnosine has been shown to extend life by prolonging cell life and protecting our DNA and proteins and lipids.[18]
The L-carnosine density in muscle tissue is proportional to the maximum lifespan
In animal experiments, researchers demonstrated a clear relation of carnosine levels to lifetimes.[19]
Acceleration of collagen synthesis with L-carnosine has been shown in studies
According to a study from Brazil, collagen synthesis was accelerated by the addition of carnosine.[20]
Carnosine extends life in animal experiments by 20 %
In one study, mice fed with additional L-carnosine from 10 months of age were able to increase their lifespan by 20 % compared to the control group (mice not fed with additional carnosine)’ ageing processes were visibly and measurably slowed down.
The following study results caused a stir:[21]
- a 20 % longer life compared to the control group;
- twice as many of the carnosine-fed mice reached the age of 12 months compared to the control group;
- L-carnosine also rejuvenated the visual appearance of the treated mice: the coat shone more brightly for 44 % of the treated mice and for 5 % of the untreated mice;
- only 14 % had the usual skin ulcers, compared to 36 % in the control group;
- 58 % of the treated mice showed a youthful behavioural pattern compared to 9 % of the untreated ones;
- all brain parameters associated with ageing were less pronounced in carnosine-fed mice than in the control group, which is probably the reason for the adolescent behaviour.
- The age-related curvature of the spine was much less pronounced in the carnosine-treated mice.
L-carnosine successful against cancer cells in studies
Laboratory tests on cell cultures of different types of cancers have shown that L-carnosine clearly has a cytotoxic (toxic) effect on human cancer cells while ensuring the regeneration and activation of healthy, normal cells. The cell cultures were soon free of cancer cells once L-carnosine was added.[22]
L-carnosine content of the muscles is related to the level of age-appropriate muscle mass
Carnosine content in muscle mass decreases in parallel with age-related muscle breakdown.[23]
L-carnosine naturally boosts potency in studies
The production of nitric oxide is the absolute prerequisite for achieving an erection and then keeping it as long as possible. However, carnosine is the natural substrate of nitric oxide.[24] It is therefore not surprising that L-carnosine is able to solve erectile problems.
L-carnosine safe in animal experiments, even in high doses
In animal studies, carnosine has safely tolerated at extreme doses of 500 mg/kg body weight
[1] Shao L, Li QH, Tan Z., Source: Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, PR China.
[2] Miller and O'Dowd 2000
[3] Bharadwaj et al. 2002
[4] Zaloga GP et al. 1997
[5] Boldyrev et al. 1999
[6] Wang et al. 2000
[7] Truitsina et al. 1997
[8] Dobrota 2000, Suslina et al. 2000, Khaspekow et al. 2002
[9] Stvolinsky et al. 2000 and Gallant et al. 2000
[10] Chez et al. 2002
[11] Kang et al. 2002
[12]Kim et al. 2002
[13] Petroff et al. 2000; 2001
[14] S. E. Severin 1953
[15] Hipkiss 2002
[16] McFarland
[17] Aldini et al. 2002
[18] Burcham, 2002
[19] Hipkiss AR et al. 1995
[20] Vizoli MR et al. 1983
[21] Boldyrev AA et al. 1999
[23] Stuerenberg H.J. et al.
[24] Alaghband-Zadeh 2001