Effect of kombucha on diseases
It is far from easy to spell out the effects of a substance or natural remedy that appears to be as broad-based as kombucha tea fungus and is also based on countless statements by many therapists and patients across many eras, cultures and continents.
The question of the effect of kombucha should therefore first be divided into effects of a general nature, organ-specific effects and, lastly, effects on certain diseases, and we should then attempt to answer each of these in turn.
Effects of a general nature
· blood purification,
· strengthening of cells,
· antibiotic effect,
· antiviral effect,
· increase in well-being,
· increase in energy,
· increase in vitality,
· improvement of digestion,
· regulation of appetite,
· increase in concentration,
· purification,
· detoxification,
· regulation of the acid-base balance,
· increase in energy,
· regulation of intestinal flora,
· increase in athletic performance,
· prevention of muscle soreness,
· stimulation of metabolism,
· relief of the liver,
· stimulation of intestinal activity,
· normalisation of blood pressure,
· reduction of cholesterol levels,
· reduction of triglyceride levels,
· is anti-inflammatory,
· strengthening the immune system,
· increase in sexual potency.
organ-specific effect
· hair,
· skin,
· eyes,
· cardiovascular system,
· liver,
· kidneys,
· intestine,
· lymphatic and glandular system,
· muscles,
· joints.
Effect on certain diseases (reported or confirmed by therapists and studies)
· cataracts,
· allergies,
· atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries),
· myocardial infarction prophylaxis,
· almost all signs of ageing,
· rejuvenation of the skin, reversal of wrinkles,
· acne,
· rheumatism,
· joint problems (especially joint inflammations),
· back problems,
· arthritis,
· arthrosis,
· excess weight,
· flu,
· cold,
· gastrointestinal disease,
· tonsillitis,
· large/small intestinal inflammation,
· gastritis,
· restless sleep and insomnia,
· sclerosis,
· fatigue,
· soreness diffraction,
· nervousness,
· constipation,
· eczema,
· neurodermitis,
· psoriasis
· indigestion,
· Constipation
· high blood pressure,
· oedemas
· persistent headaches,
· stimulates liver function,
· stimulates kidney function,
· furunculosis,
· obesity,
· diarrhoea
· liver disorder,
· gallstones,
· shingles,
· ulcers,
· cancer,
· chickenpox,
· haemorrhoids,
· menopausal symptoms.
How can the broad spectrum of kombucha tea’s effect be explained?
First of all, we should be completely honest about the fact that kombucha has not yet been researched in every detail by scientists, despite all the fascinating reports on its effects on countless symptoms and pathological conditions for around 2000 years. However, for many decades now, there have been serious, positive studies from Eastern Europe as well as countless enthusiastic statements from doctors and therapists who have successfully trialled kombucha on their patients. More on this later in the chapter.
And so, the legitimate question arises for the professional world, how a single agent can achieve such a broad spectrum of effects against all sorts of diseases which are ascribed to it in traditional folk wisdom and the findings of many therapists and doctors.
Thoughts on the broad spectrum of kombucha's activities
Thesis on the effect of kombucha using four important ingredients as an example
Without question, it is kombucha tea as a whole entity that unfolds this concentrated cargo of fascinating effect. You have to consider the kombucha mushroom as a fungus and consider the effect of this complete, living organism.
This approach is justified by unsuccessful trials which investigated the effectiveness of individual isolated kombucha compounds. Here, one came to the following wise conclusion: The kombucha fungus only functions as a whole and it makes no sense to break it down into its components.
Example 1): glucuronic acid in kombucha tea
When dealing with diseases that are counted among the ‘civilisation diseases’ and increasingly occur in recent years and decades (allergies, cancer, arthritis, asthma, etc.), and being aware of the links with our environmental impact as well as the toxins in food, clothing, cosmetics, etc., it is most likely true that the glucuronic acid contained in kombucha tea is able to bind those poisons and plays a very large role within the whole.
So, while we are usually exposed to an enormous burden of environmental toxins and toxins in our food without protection and are virtually predestined for the diseases described here, regularly taking kombucha, and thus also glucuronic acid, helps our body neutralise all these poisons and thus protect us preventively and therapeutically against these diseases and act against them.
For example, Dr. Köhler and Dr. Valentin[1] from the University of Munich proved that glucuronic acid protects the lives of trees in the wild by binding more than 200 pollutants that occur due to acid and radioactive rain, but also in sulphur dioxide, ozone and nitrites.
These detoxification discoveries can be applied directly to the human body, both to the body's own toxins and foreign toxins, and reveal the enormous detoxification potential of kombucha tea, providing a huge relief to humanity, which is increasingly endangered by toxins.
This probably explains the increasing well-being which the regular Kombucha consumer reports, as well as the preventive and therapeutic effect against all kinds of illnesses, which may be directly or indirectly connected with poisons in the environment and in food as well as drug consumption.
Furthermore, such detoxification always leads to the strengthening of the body's defences; the immune system has found an ally that relieves it and can then effectively fight diseases! However, we should not dwell too long on the findings from the plant world; Dr. Köhler has reported on the success in treating cancer patients with glucuronic acid in the journal Medical Practice; but more on this later.
Glucuronic acid alone can have an enormous potential for healing power due to the detoxifying and immune system-building effect.
Example 2): dextrorotatory lactic acid in kombucha tea
An antibiotic effect can be ascribed to the dextrorotatory lactic acid in kombucha tea. It achieves this effect by regulating our intestinal flora, preventing the spread of putrefactive intestinal bacteria and maintaining a slightly acidic climate in the intestine.
Furthermore, dextrorotatory lactic acid has a huge influence on the deacidification of our body and thus makes kombucha tea an alkaline food, despite the slightly sour taste. Relieving the intestine and the liver results in a very effective improvement in the detoxification and deacidification performance of the liver.
Around 80 % of the population in industrialised countries, including us, are chronically acidified. Acids are caused by stress, environmental toxins, by energy production, but above all by a bad diet, which we Central Europeans have become accustomed to.
To stay healthy, we need a balanced acid-base balance; this regulates our cardiovascular system, our respiration, our digestion and our hormone production. In order for these important functions to function undisturbed, a balanced pH (acid-base value) must be ensured, and this is, as stated, not the case in 80 % of the population: We are simply over-acidified!
Considering that holistic practicing physicians and therapists believe that the vast majority of disease states are caused by a low pH, i.e. overacidity of our body, these connections quickly become clear. These include diseases and symptoms such as:
- allergies,
- excess weight,
- headaches,
- hair loss,
- grey hair,
- heartburn,
- migraine,
- inflammation,
- sleep disorders,
- digestive problems,
- gum inflammation,
- menstrual cramps,
- diabetes,
- blemishes (pimples),
- insufficient weight,
- cellulitis,
- concentration problems
- infections,
- muscle cramps,
- joint pain,
- high blood pressure.
However, on the other hand, the dextrorotatory lactic acid present in kombucha tea prevents this hyperacidity, another ingredient in kombucha tea has also been found, which, in addition to glucuronic acid, can prevent a very wide range of diseases and conditions, namely: dextrorotatory lactic acid.
Example 3): Probiotic cultures in kombucha
As the name ‘probiotic bacteria’, literally translated as bacteria ‘for life’, suggests, probiotic bacteria are vital, health-promoting bacterial strains. Kombucha tea contains many of these vital ‘good’ bacteria.
According to Keusemann and Krewer, it has been proven that the following health benefits can be attributed to probiotic bacteria:
- promotion of lactose digestion in lactose malabsorbents
- reduced frequency and duration of various diarrhoeal diseases (clostridia and rotavirus or after antibiotic treatment or chemotherapy)
- reducing the concentration of some harmful metabolites and cancer-causing enzymes in the colon (there is no evidence yet for the actual prevention of cancer)
- stimulation of the immune system
Example 4): polysaccharides as immunostimulants and antibiotic agents in kombucha tea
As with the active substances and effect of Kombucha, the antibiotic effect is well studied and unlike conventional antibiotics (such as penicillin), are completely free of side effects and suitable for continuous use. However, this antibacterial effect, which sets in every day, if you consume the Kombucha tea daily, keeps us free of uninvited bacteria! Considering how many diseases are caused by bacteria, this feature of kombucha tea is not recognised enough!
However, kombucha tea can do a lot more: In his book ‘Kombucha – Myth, Truth, Fascination’, Günther W. Frank mentions that, according to the presumption of Dr. Schuitemaker, the polysaccharides contained in kombucha have the remarkable ability to alert the immune system to bacteria, viruses, and yeasts so it can respond accordingly![2]
Thus, there is already an impressive spectrum of diseases and conditions that the four ingredients mentioned (glucuronic acid, dextrorotatory lactic acid, probiotic bacterial strains and immune stimulants) can benefit. The variety of the other listed vital substances, as incredible as it may seem, extends this potential many times over, and at the same time synergistically enhances the effect on the symptoms and diseases mentioned.
In summary it can be said that the effect of kombucha tea is mainly due to its
- detoxifying,
- antibacterial,
- cell strengthening,
- immune system-boosting,
- antiviral,
- deacidifying and
- detoxifying properties.
Nevertheless, kombucha should never be considered an all-round remedy. Rather, its strengths lie in regeneration and compensation, which is why it primarily promotes the self-healing powers of the body. However, these abilities should not be abused to compensate for everyday sins (bad nutrition and behaviours). But there are also concrete studies and statements from physicians on the alleviation of diseases with kombucha. A summary of these can be found in the next section ‘Effect according to physicians and therapists’.