Effect of kombucha according to doctor and therapists statements
The kombucha tea fungus is enjoying a veritable renaissance; a large proportion of the records of doctors and therapists come from the first half of the last century. Most of the quotes below come from the book of Kombucha expert Günther W. Frank ‘Kombucha – Mythos, Wahrheit, Faszination’ (‘Kombucha – Myth, Truth, Fascination’), which can be ordered via its website www.kombu.de.
Amazing effect of kombucha on rheumatism
‘When it comes to rheumatism, I have had success with kombucha worldwide. I have had patients who could not get out of bed in the morning due to rheumatic pains. Their joints were stiff. I prescribed them kombucha. The result: After one month, they were able to move their joints again without pain’. (Prof. Dr. Winfried Laakmann, Director of the University of San Salvador)
Kombucha effect in general
A ‘wonderful healing power for many diseases’ has been attributed to kombucha (Prof. S. Bazerewski)
Kombucha’s effect against haemorrhoids
‘...this drink was recommended years ago in Thorn as a remedy for haemorrhoids , and a cure has been found in its regular consumption’. (Prof. P. Lindner)
Effect of kombucha on tonsillitis, gout pain and atherosclerosis
‘In tonsillitis, especially when there is a coating on the tonsils, it is not only necessary to gargle with the drink, but also to drink it, in order to destroy the bacteria that have reached the stomach in food and drink.
Gargling quickly causes recovery from tonsillitis, and in severe cases, astonishing results have been produced with gout pain and atherosclerosis...’ (Dr. L. Mollenda)
Effect of kombucha against rheumatism
‘...infallible remedy for rheumatoid arthritis’. (Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kobert)
Kombucha’s effect against constipation
‘... remedy against all sorts of diseases, especially against constipation‘ ( Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Henneberg)
Kombucha’s effect on indigestion and against age-related disorders
‘A widespread use of tea fungus in the use and production of tea kvass as a remedy for indigestion and all sorts of age complaints is quite desirable across all sections of the population, as well as its production and distribution by pharmacies and apothecaries’. (Prof. Dr. Lakowitz)
Effect of kombucha against arteriosclerosis , gout, constipation
‘...very effective means of combating arteriosclerosis , gout and constipation’ there are ‘beneficial effects on arterial calcification, the lowering of blood pressure, reduction of anxiety, irritability and pain, headache, dizziness and so on’. Constipation and its concomitants can also be improved rapidly. There are particularly favourable results on calcification of the kidney and the capillaries of the brain’. (Dr. Maxim Bing)
Stabilisation of the immune system
‘By triggering a special activation of the body's own defences, kombucha is well-suited for stabilising the immune system’. (Dr. Helmut Golz)
Promoting and stimulating metabolism
‘The enjoyment of the drink, which is referred to as tea kvass, causes a striking revival of the body’s entire endocrine system and a promotion of the metabolism. Tee kvass is recommended as an excellent preventive measure against gout and rheumatism, furunculosis, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, nervousness, constipation and signs of ageing’. (Hans Irion)
Effect of kombucha against viruses
‘The comparison of measured values suggests that kombucha effectively promotes the body's defences and initiates the body's own healing processes.
Kombucha can be regarded as a highly potent organic food with an antiviral effect, with the advantage that it does not produce any unwanted side effects or intolerances’. (Dr. Wiesner)
Kombucha’s effect against cancer
‘Kombucha inhibits malignant cell growth’ – ‘I gave kombucha to my patients. The results are good and the patients are very satisfied. Kombucha has been used successfully against prostate problems, rheumatoid arthritis, bone marrow, uterine fibroarthritis, connective tissue inflammation in the lungs, etc’. (Dr. Soraya Shantiay)
Effect of kombucha on angina pectoris
‘Experience that suggests that kombucha is also able to influence the extremely distressing seizures of angina pectoris’. (Prof. Dr. W. Wichowski)
‘The fact that the frequent use of kombucha has often eliminated distressing subjective complaints in many individuals should, on its own, be enough reason to make this remedy available to as many people as possible at the present stage, irrespective of whether or not scientific medicine is able to give an explanation for this efficacy or not’. (Ders.)
Metabolism-regulating effect of kombucha
‘Kombucha is a complex compound drink. Just think of the enzymes at work in it. Such as biocatalysts, which are very important for certain metabolic reactions. Then it is quite clear that they can stimulate metabolic processes in the gut that you would not benefit from without this drink’. (Prof. Dr. Karl Heinz Schmidt, University of Tübingen)
Degradation of harmful deposits
‘It detoxifies the entire body via the liver. Harmful deposits such as uric acid and cholesterol are thereby reduced’. (Dr. Reinhold Wiesner, Schwanewede)
Effect of kombucha against fatigue, nervousness, haemorrhoids, high blood pressure
‘In summary, it can be said that the tea fungus or the extract formed by it has shown itself to be an excellent preventive measure against diabetes, but especially signs of ageing, such as arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure with sequelae, such as dizziness, gout and haemorrhoids‘. (Dr. E. Arauner)
Effect of kombucha against cancer
‘In the 1980s, we prescribed Kombucha tea to our cancer patients and were impressed by it’. (Dr. Josef Issels)
‘The lactic acid in kombucha tea is particularly important for the treatment of cancer patients. I advise all patients: drink the fungus tea daily, even if it is just one glass. It helps with many diseases’. (Dr. Veronika Carstens)
Effect of kombucha on the detoxification of the organism
‘An excellent natural remedy is the ingestion of a fungus drink called kombucha, which detoxifies in every respect and dissolves microorganisms as well as uric acid and cholesterol’. (Dr. Rudolf Sklenar, Lich)
General effect on metabolic diseases (gout, rheumatism), haemorrhoids, atherosclerosis
The pharmacist Bergold believes kombucha ‘is highly recommended as a daily drink for tackling metabolic diseases (gout, rheumatism, haemorrhoids), early arteriosclerosis and its side effects, against physical and mental fatigue (due to overexertion, in agriculture, in sports), for stimulating bowel activity (constipation, obesity, feeling of fullness), for improving the general condition (sexual problems) and in convalescence’.
Effect of kombucha against high cholesterol
‘The glucuronic acid contained in kombucha tea lowers cholesterol in the blood because it reduces the number of so-called chylo-crowns – these are small droplets that carry the fat in the blood’. (Dr. Rebholz)
Effect as an advantageous milieu shift
‘First of all, I would like to address the gastrointestinal area. The properties of kombucha tea ensure that a milieu shift takes place’. (Prof. Manfred Rimpler (Hannover Medical School)
The strengthening of the immune system by kombucha
‘Degenerative diseases are accompanied by a weakening of the immune system. Strengthening the immune system is the main aspect of treatment. Fungi, such as the kombucha fungus, seem to exhibit the required effect to a great extent’. (Dr. GE Schuitenmaker)
Kombucha – a fountain of youth?
Eternal youth and vitality – who desire these things now and then, at least in secret? Our society is characterised in this respect by mission statements and expectations that cannot be fulfilled; nevertheless, the power to maintain our vitality and youth into old age lies in our hands, with a healthy diet and lifestyle. People are ageing more and more quickly; this is primarily attributable to changing environmental conditions (poisons in the air, food, clothing, etc.), the stress of modern life and bad, acidifying dietary habits.
While we have very little personal impact on the environment and toxins around us, we owe it to our health to neutralise and flush out these ever-increasing toxins in our bodies with the help of certain dietary supplements and natural products.
As we have already seen, kombucha's glucuronic acid has the extraordinary ability to simultaneously neutralise over 200 toxins. Furthermore, the dextrorotatory lactic acid ensures that our body is deacidified and purified.
Furthermore, glucuronic acid is involved in building acids that are hugely important for connective tissue, such as hyaluronic acid. This is an important component of connective tissue and accounts for 55 % of the skin's substance, which contributes to a noticeable and visible elasticity of the skin and can even make deeper wrinkles disappear over time.
The many vitamins and enzymes support the detoxification and rejuvenation process in an optimal way; kombucha contains about 1000 mg of vitamin C per litre; vitamin C is responsible for collagen and elastin synthesis of our connective tissue, including the skin.