AIDS: effect is still being researched, internal intake recommended
Allergies: often caused by fungi, internal intake
Amoebic dysentery: continue to take even after the symptoms have resolved, internal intake
Angina or tonsillitis: internal intake and gargling with 10 drops per 200 ml
Arthritis/joint inflammation: internal intake for several months often helpful
Asthma: in some cases, internal intake helps, 1-3 months of use
Stomach pain: often, internal intake helps
Flatulence: often caused by germs, fungi or parasites, internal intake
Cystitis/bladder problems: internal intake
Bronchitis: internal intake and gargling with 10 drops per 200 ml
Breast inflammation = mastitis: internal intake + diluted and applied externally, 8 drops per tablespoon of oil (apply to chest), even for inflammation of cow udders
Candida albicans (yeast fungus): internal intake 3-4 months duration (start with 3 drops)
Cholera: take 20-30 drops per glass every 3 hours
Chronic fatigue: often fungi, bacteria, internal intake 3-4 months
Colitis = enteritis: internal intake with chamomile tea, antioxidant inner intake
Crohn's disease: internal intake + antioxidant inner intake
Enteritis: internal intake (see under Colitis)
Depression: sometimes caused by fungi or parasites, internal intake
Circulatory disorders: sometimes caused by mould fungus ‘mucor’, trial with internal intake
Diarrhoea: internal intake
Inflammation: often caused by pathogens, internal intake
Vomiting: often caused by pathogens, internal intake
Colds: internal intake + gargle 10 drops per 200 ml + grapefruit extract nasal spray
Fibrosis: can be triggered by candida fungi, internal intake 3-4 months
Fever: internal intake, possibly gargling + nasal spray
Gastritis, gastric ulcer: often caused by Helicobacter pylori, internal intake
Memory impairment: sometimes caused by candida, internal intake
Gout: sometimes caused by candida fungi, internal intake
Flu: internal intake + gargling 10 drops per 200 ml + GSE nasal spray
Endocrine disorders: Candida fungi release 100 different toxins, some have hormone-like effects, internal intake
Cough: internal intake + gargling 10 drops per 200 ml
Weakened immune system: internal intake
General infectious diseases: internal intake
Lack of concentration: often pathogens are involved, internal intake
Headaches, migraines: these have many different causes, bacteria and fungi sometimes involved, internal intake
Malaria: Helicobacter pylori; there are indications that GSE works
Mastitis: internal intake (see breast inflammation), internal intake + diluted and applied externally, 8 drops per tablespoon of oil
Menstrual cramps: Candida can be to blame, internal intake
Migraines: internal intake (see under Headaches)
Otitis = otitis media: internal use +diluted and applied externally, 2 drops per tablespoon of oil, warm the oil and drizzle into ear frequently
Crohn's disease : see Crohn's disease
Sinusitis: internal intake, GSE nasal spray
Parasites (internal): the range extends from the smallest parasites to the tapeworm, a ‘worm cure’ with GSE is recommended twice a year, internal intake
Fungal diseases: see intake scheme for Candida albicans
Prostate problems: sometimes Candida is involved, see the intake schedule for ‘Candida’
Rheumatism: is often a consequence of deposition of toxins, internal intake
Dysentery: see the intake schedule for amoebic dysentery
Runny nose = rhinitis: internal intake + grapefruit extract nasal spray
Nausea: internal intake
Prevention of travel sickness: drink 4-8 DROPS PER GLASS 3 times a day
Worm infestation: see intake scheme for parasitic infection
External application
The following basic rules apply to the external application of grapefruit seed extract:
Basic rule 1:
Apply diluted, except for warts and nail fungus
Basic rule 2:
Always use diluted on skin and mucous membranes with water, glycerine or, ideally, organic jojoba oil.
External application from A-Z[1]
Acariasis, acarinosis: see the intake scheme for scabies
Acne: internal intake + 5 drops on wet washcloths, apply, wash off
Aphthae (ulcers of the oral mucosa): 10 drops per 200 ml of water, rinse
Rashes, skin rashes: it is worth trying 3-5 drops per tablespoon of oil, 2-3 times a day
Leg ulcers: see intake scheme for ‘open legs’
Leech bites: drizzle 1 drop of extract on the bite site
Dermatitis: 3-5 drops per tablespoon of oil, rub in 2-3 times a day
Plantar warts: sand down, apply 2 x 1 drops pure
Athlete’s foot: pure or slightly diluted with water or oil. Additionally, use GSE body and foot powder.
Ulcers: 10 drops per 200 ml of lukewarm water, rinse, gargle, dab
Shingles (herpes): INNER INTAKE + 3-5 drops per tablespoon of oil, apply twice daily to the affected area of the skin
Strep throat, sore throat: INNER INTAKE + 10 drops per 200 ml of water, gargle
Skin abrasions: 1 drop per tablespoon of water, apply frequently
Skin rashes: see intake scheme for ‘Rashes’
Skin tetters: see intake scheme for ‘Rashes’
Skin fungi: 5 drops in a damp hand, apply frequently every day
Hoarseness: see intake scheme for ‘Throat infection’
Herpes simplex (cold sores): 5 drops per tablespoon of oil, apply frequently
Herpes zoster: see intake scheme for ‘Shingles‘
Callus: 30 drops in the foot bath facilitate removal and disinfection
Cough: see intake scheme for ‘Throat infection’
Insect bites: apply 1 drop onto the stitching point with a damp finger
Caries: rinse 1-2 drops on a damp toothbrush and 10 drops per 200 ml
Laryngitis: see intake scheme for ‘Throat infection’
Head lice: mix 10 drops with a little shower gel, leave for 30 mins to take effect, rinse well, repeat after three days (protect eyes)
[1] Werner Goller: Was verschweigt die Schulmedizin? (‘What Does Conventional Medicine Conceal?’), 2009, p. 169