Growth factors in colostrum
The growth factors contained in colostrum (TGF = transforming growth factors) are polypeptides that promote, among other things, the cell growth and thus the ability of our tissue to repair itself.
According to one study, the promotion of cell division in bovine colostrum is 100 times greater than in human colostrum.[1]
The growth factors contained in colostrum have the following effects, among others:
- acceleration of growth and thus regeneration of injured muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, cartilages, skin collagen and nerve tissue;
- encouragement of fat burning and protection of muscle tissue in diets;
- invigorating and constructive effect of the musculature in weight training;
- faster healing for burns, cuts, surgical wounds, skin abrasions and sore lips;
- regulation of blood sugar levels;
- repair of DNA and RNA in our body;
- increase in general well-being.
Nucleotides in colostrum
Colostrum contains adenosine monophosphoric acid, which regulates the cell metabolism and controls hormones, as well as substances that trigger enzyme reactions. It has been proven that bovine colostrum has seven different nucleotides that are important for cell repair and maintaining healthy cell function.[2]
Vitamins and minerals in colostrum
Among the most important vitamins and minerals found in colostrum, which play important roles in our body, are vitamins A, B12 and E, as well as the minerals iron, copper, magnesium, selenium and phosphorus.
General observed effect of colostrum
The following listed effects have been observed in colostrum and demonstrated in numerous studies:
- strengthening defences by building the immune system;
- protection against bacteria and viruses
- repair of DNA and RNA
- anti-inflammatory effects
- blood sugar regulating mechanisms
- protection against autoimmune diseases such as asthma, allergy, arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis and others
- muscle strengthening and building effect
- protection against muscle loss and promotion of fat loss when dieting
- protection against cancer
- when used locally in the form of creams and ointments, faster wound healing (cuts, surgical wounds, skin abrasions, etc.), relieving burns;
- a sense of well-being via stimulation of the appropriate substances.
Human colostrum vs animal colostrum
Of course, the question arises as to whether the animal colostrum used in dietary supplements is just as effective for humans as colostrum from cattle and goats.
Scientific studies have shown that the colostrum from cattle and goats is not only digestible for humans, but even up to 40 times richer in immune factors than human colostrum and that the composition corresponds to that of human colostrum by as much as 99 %.
Furthermore, the studies indicate that, in contrast to human colostrum, colostrum from cattle and goats has appropriate protease inhibitors and glycoproteins that protect colostrum's active ingredients from being destroyed by adults’ gastric acid. It can therefore be assumed that human colostrum is actually intended for the relatively gentle digestive juices of a newborn, while we adults can probably only benefit from animal colostrum.
Studies on the bioavailability of colostrum ingredients
Again and again, it is falsely argued that the immunoglobulins and the growth factors in colostrum are destroyed by gastric acid and therefore cannot be utilised by the body.
As Dr. Pineo and his colleagues managed to prove in 1975, bovine colostrum contains a so-called glycoprotein, which in turn has protease inhibitors, which ensure that the immunoglobulin protease and the growth factors are not destroyed by gastric acids, even in the stomach of an adult.[3]
Furthermore, Dr. Sandholm and his team of scientists demonstrated that bovine colostrum has a very potent trypsin inhibitor that protects the immunoglobulins in colostrum from gastric acid breakdown.[4]
Bovine colostrum contains 40 times more immunoglobulins than human colostrum
Studies have shown that bovine colostrum contains up to 40 times the amount of IgG as human colostrum.[5]
Nucleotides in colostrum repair body cells and keep them healthy
It has been shown that bovine colostrum has seven different nucleotides which are important for cell repair and maintaining healthy cell function.[6]
Studies on colostrum in HIV/AIDS
In laboratory studies, the effects of lactoferrin, alpha-lactalbumin, beta-lactoglobulin A, and beta-lactoglobulin B on HIV-positive HIV-1 and HIV-2 viruses was examined. Strong antiviral activity against HIV-1 and HIV-2 has been demonstrated. This mechanism is probably due to the prevention of virus-cell fusion and virus entry into MT4 cells.[7] In another study, lactoferrin has been shown to inhibit HIV-1-induced cell diseases; here, lactoferrin is likely to act at the adsorption or penetration stage of the virus or at both stages.[8]
Studies on colostrum and comorbidities of HIV
A very common concomitant disease of HIV patients is candidiasis of the oral mucosa, a disease of the skin or mucous membranes caused by fungi of the Candida genus.
In 1987, at the European conference on the clinical aspects of HIV infections, Danish researchers reported that a 10-day dose of colostrum pills (10 pts/day) is a treatment option for oral candidosis.[9]
Another very serious concomitant disease of HIV is cryptosporidiosis. It is a parasite infestation that leads to recurrent diarrhoea. Cryptosporidiosis is one of the main reasons why AIDS patients lose weight quickly, because the parasites deprive the affected body of nutrients, leading to malnutrition and the resulting weight loss.
In a study on 37 AIDS patients, 10 mg of the colostrum immunoglobulin ‘lactobin’ was orally administered to these subjects for ten days, resulting in a good therapeutic effect.
In 31 treatment periods with 29 HIV patients, 21 resulted in a transient (ten-day) or long-term (> four weeks) normalisation of bowel movement; the frequency of bowel movements decreased from the previous average of 7.4 per day to 2.2 per day.
19 of the patients had no diarrhoea for four weeks, in five patients the cryptosporidiosis completely disappeared after taking lactobin.[10]
Studies on colostrum in inflammations
It has been proven that the ingredients contained in colostrum prevent a previously provoked inflammation.[11]
Individual effect in autoimmune diseases
In the case of autoimmune diseases, it is important that they are treated with an immune regulator that calms or stimulates the immune system when needed. This is exactly what a peptide in colostrum called ‘Proline Rich Polypeptide’ (PRP) can accomplish, thus providing relief to the patients individually.[12]
Studies on colostrum in diabetes
IGF-1 found in colostrum stimulates glucose utilisation and has proven successful in the treatment of diabetes as it is an effective alternative to insulin and, at the same time, identical to human IGF-1. The IGF level is naturally lower in diabetics than in healthy people.[13]
Studies on colostrum in arthritis
Arthritis, the most common form of inflammatory joint disease, is a degenerative disease that not only affects the joint itself, but also the surrounding tissue throughout the body. In most cases, hand, knee, shoulder, foot and hip joints are affected.
The joint is inflamed and thickens. This process usually causes bursts of severe pain. Arthritis can occur gradually, but also suddenly, it can affect one or more joints (polyarthritis).
Colostrum has a high proportion of interleukin 10, which studies have shown to be an extremely potent anti-inflammatory drug, especially for arthritic joints.[14]
Immunoglobulins are successful in treating many diseases
Anaemia, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, thrombocytopenia, neutropaenia, Guillain Barre syndrome, myasthenia gravis, Kawasaki syndrome, Crohn's disease and many other conditions have responded successfully to treatment with immunoglobulins.[15]
Studies on colostrum in multiple sclerosis (MS)
In a study on MS patients, bovine colostrum containing anti-measles -lactoglobulin was administered; fifteen of the MS patients were given 100 ml of colostrum with measles antibodies every day for 30 days, and five others were given colostrum without anti-measles lactoglobulin.
Of the seven patients who received the colostrum with high levels of the measles antibody (NT titer 512-5120), five patients recovered (two showed no change). In the eight patients receiving colostrum with fewer antibodies (NT titre 8-32), improvement was observed in five subjects and no change was observed in three subjects. Among the five patients who received non-antibody colostrum, the condition of two subjects remained constant, with three of them suffering worsening symptoms. The changes were determined using the table of the International Federation of Multiple Sclerosis Societies.
The results of this study suggest that orally administered colostrum with measles antibodies improves the condition of patients with multiple sclerosis.[16]
[1] Ballard 1981
[2] Gil, Angel, Sanchez-Medina, Journal of Dairy Research, 1981, Vol 48, p. 35–44
[3] Pineo et al. Biochemical Biophysiology Acta (Amsterdam.) 1975, 379, p. 201–206
[4] Sandholm et al., Acta Veterinaria Scandinavia, 1980, Vol. 20, No. 4, p. 469–476.
[5] Bruce, C. E., Natural History, Feb. 1969
[6] Gil, Angel, Sanchez-Medina, Journal of Dairy Research, 1981, Vol 48, p. 35–44
[7] Swart 1996
[8] Harmsen 1995
[9] Christensen 1987
[10] Beth M. Ley: Kolostrum – die natürliche Nahrungsergänzung (‘Colostrum – The Natural Food Supplement’), 1997, p. 69
[11] Murphey 1993
[12] Janusz, Lisowski 1993, Arch. Immunol. Ther. Exp. Warz. Vol. 41 (5–6), p. 275–279
[13] Dohm, Elton et al.: Diabetes, 30 Sept. 1990, p. 1028–1032
[14] Hernell, Olle, University of Umeå, Sweden 1995, Science Apr., p. 231 f.
[15] Dwyer, New England Journal of Medicine, Jan. 1992, 9, V 326
[16] Ebina 1985