Since the immune system plays a crucial role in all diseases, it should be kept strong for life. Use should therefore be continuous in case of immune deficiency – drink 3 cups of lapacho tea a day.
Effect of kombucha according to doctor and therapists statements

The kombucha tea fungus is enjoying a veritable renaissance; a large proportion of the records of doctors and therapists come from the first half of the last century. Most of the quotes below come from the book of Kombucha expert Günther W. Frank ‘Kombucha – Mythos, Wahrheit, Faszination’ (‘Kombucha – Myth, Truth, Fascination’), which can be ordered via its website
The effect of green tea on our health

The above-mentioned active ingredients trigger very effective healing mechanisms, which combat countless illnesses preventively and therapeutically.
Active ingredients and effects

Before we turn to the prophylactic and therapeutic effects of green tea in individual diseases in detail, we should first look at the active ingredients in green tea.