AIDS: effect is still being researched, internal intake recommended
Allergies: often caused by fungi, internal intake
Amoebic dysentery: continue to take even after the symptoms have resolved, internal intake
Angina or tonsillitis: internal intake and gargling with 10 drops per 200 ml
Arthritis/joint inflammation: internal intake for several months often helpful
Asthma: in some cases, internal intake helps, 1-3 months of use
Stomach pain: often, internal intake helps
Flatulence: often caused by germs, fungi or parasites, internal intake
Cystitis/bladder problems: internal intake
Bronchitis: internal intake and gargling with 10 drops per 200 ml
Effect against arthritis
The anti-inflammatory effect of pomegranate works to alleviate symptoms such as arthritis. In this way, pomegranate protects the destruction of cartilage cells by arthritis. Here, polyphenols have an anti-inflammatory effect on the eicosanoid metabolism.
Effect against atherosclerosis
According to a long-term study, pomegranate juice can stop the development of atherosclerosis (deposits in blood vessels) and even reverse them by up to 30 % (see ‘Studies’ section).
Studies on gotu kola
Gotu kola shows an 80 % success rate in the prevention and treatment of cellulitis
Gotu kola has had sensational success in the prevention and treatment of cellulitis.
Studies show gotu kola has a 70 to 90 % success rate in treating phlebitis
In several studies, gotu kola has achieved a success rate of between 70 and 90 %. A study on 125 patients with phlebitis and brittle capillaries achieved a 90 % success rate using gotu kola, as published by the Gazette Medicale de France in 1971.
Gotu kola has positive effects on memory
Gotu kola has shown a positive effect on the memory in studies.
Expert opinions:
Since glucosamine and chondroitin are extremely controversial dietary supplements, we will allow a few experts to give their opinion first before discussing the positive effects of these two vital substances on our joints in more detail and examining the available studies, in order to reassure you at this juncture that the further study of these two highly effective, natural joint nutrients is worthy of your time:
Special effect on diseases and maladies
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) uses the seeds, leaves and roots of ginkgo biloba, which are processed and absorbed in different ways, usually in the form of ginkgo tea.
Within Western naturopathy, ginkgo is mostly used in concentrates in the form of ginkgo extracts, wrapped in a capsule, as a compact or in drop form.
A study on 100 subjects showed that DMAE fights mild depression and fatigue; sleep also improved..
If there were a Nobel Prize for a plant or any nutrient with the highest nutritional content, it would in all likelihood go to spirulina platensis.
Rooibos tea is gradually coming to enjoy an increasing popularity, including in our geographical region. Present in many people’s memory as a milder alternative to black tea or even coffee (rooibos tea contains no caffeine) and due to the fruity-sweet and nonetheless calorie-free taste, redbush tea can be enjoyed at any time of the day and by any group of people (by both children and pregnant persons).
Imagine a totally incredible natural substance, shown in studies to increase lifespan, prevent and combat even severe illnesses like cancer in every stage, with a positive effect on numerous other diseases like arthritis, circulatory diseases, diabetes and multiple sclerosis and which, if that wasn’t enough, regulates fat metabolism (helps with weight loss!) and has been sensationally shown in animal studies to double endurance ability...

This short description applies to resveratrol, a substance that has only been a focus of scientific attention for the past few years, but since then has been more intensively researched and has continually led to sensational insights!
Coenzyme Q10, ubiquinone, ubiquinol or simply ‘Q10’ – four terms that describe the same thing, namely an essential (necessary for life) vital substance with remarkable, even miraculous potential.

The discovery of the revolutionary enzyme Q10 was a milestone in the medical sciences and even led to a Nobel Prize in 1978 for its discoverer, Prof. Dr. Mitchell. Of the four listed terms, the term ‘Q10’ will be familiar to most of the members of the female sex from cosmetics, and some men will have also undoubtedly also taken note of the term. Hardly known to doctors, coenzyme Q10 has been successfully used as a matter of course for years in many other countries on this planet as a recognised therapy.

Supported by numerous representative studies and statements of world-famous experts in the realm of medicine, we will provide another piece of evidence for how reliant upon coenzyme Q10 we human beings are.
Royal jelly is another gift of ‘Mother’ Nature which you should definitely pay attention to as a health-conscious person!

What exactly is royal jelly and what can it do for our health?

Royal jelly is very special juice with a thick, sticky consistency, produced by bees.
Next to pollen, honey, royal jelly and bee venom, propolis is the most important of these substances. Propolis is a resin produced by bees to resist all kinds of parasites in their warm hives, which are thus well-suited for them, from bacteria to viruses to fungal growths, and to keep themselves and their offspring free of all diseases.
Tags: Propolis, health
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