read about all the allround talent with large unknown effects of DHEA...
Read here about the real effects of curcumin and curcuma...
Interesting studies about colostrum you never heard about it..
In addition to antioxidants such as vitamin C, OPC, Q10, vitamin E, alpha-lipoic acid, selenium and others, beta-carotene plays a central role as an efficient antioxidant and is therefore added to butter and margarine to make it last longer.
Saponins in astragalus protect the heart muscle from dangerous lipid peroxidation and blood clotting.
Astragalus reduces heart rate in congestive heart failure and reduces discomfort and much more...
Astragalus reduces heart rate in congestive heart failure and reduces discomfort and much more...
The aronia berry as the richest source against destructive free radicals
Polyphenols have about 100 times more antioxidant potential than vitamins (vitamin C contributes just 15 % to the antioxidant protection of cells).
Polyphenols have about 100 times more antioxidant potential than vitamins (vitamin C contributes just 15 % to the antioxidant protection of cells).