In a similar way to papaya, pineapple's stimulating and regulating effect on our immune system is multifactorial and takes place on the following basis...
In the fight against free radicals, the radical scavengers (antioxidants) lose their energy and then our organism does not have them to protect it. Like no other antioxidant, alpha-lipoic acid has shown remarkable regenerative (protective) effects on the extremely important vitamins C and E, which not only act as antioxidants, but also fulfil many other important functions in the body.
After all: what’s so exciting about vitamin C – don’t we already know all the facts? Most people know that vitamin C or ascorbic acid is not particularly spectacular, a dusty ‘utensil’ from the late 70s... We know that most of it is excreted in urine, and weren’t there also some studies which proved that vitamin C not only demonstrates very little effect but may even be harmful and can cause kidney stones, among other unpleasant problems...?
Yet what if the case is different...?
What if there is more to the supposedly stale vitamin than we are aware – much, much more...?
Yet what if the case is different...?
What if there is more to the supposedly stale vitamin than we are aware – much, much more...?
Medicinal mushrooms are one of the oldest, most traditional natural remedies that exist and have been used in Asia for thousands of years prophylactically and therapeutically with great success.
Strophanthin, which was known and rightly celebrated just a few years ago as 'insulin for cardiac patients', is now in dire straits and has nearly been forgotten. The specialist is astonished and the layman wonders – this could be the title of this very unique 'strophanthin case'...
Stevia, sweet herb, sweet leaf, honey leaf, sugar loaf – five terms which describe the same thing, namely an alternative to harmful, calorie-rich household sugar and the highly questionably 'healthy' artificial sweeteners on the market.
If there were a Nobel Prize for a plant or any nutrient with the highest nutritional content, it would in all likelihood go to spirulina platensis.
Amazingly, thorough research of these nutrients, so important for our health and lives, was relatively late. In the case of trace elements, which are present in our bodies in only tiny amounts, it can take decades until they earn the attention which they have long since deserved.
This fate was also shared by the trace element 'silicon'. While, as early as before the Second World War, some individual scientific treatises by dedicated scientists praised silicon to the skies as a natural remedy, it would take until 1972 before the presence of silicon in the human body was recognised as 'necessary for life' and silicon was given the predicate 'essential'.
This fate was also shared by the trace element 'silicon'. While, as early as before the Second World War, some individual scientific treatises by dedicated scientists praised silicon to the skies as a natural remedy, it would take until 1972 before the presence of silicon in the human body was recognised as 'necessary for life' and silicon was given the predicate 'essential'.
Selenium is nothing less than an 'essential', which is to say vital, trace element which is not produced by our bodies and therefore must regularly be ingested via our food. Selenium was discovered in 1817 by the Swede Jöns Jakob Berzelius; however, it was not until the mid-70s that the natural presence of selenium in the human organism (10-15 mg) was proven.
Rooibos tea is gradually coming to enjoy an increasing popularity, including in our geographical region. Present in many people’s memory as a milder alternative to black tea or even coffee (rooibos tea contains no caffeine) and due to the fruity-sweet and nonetheless calorie-free taste, redbush tea can be enjoyed at any time of the day and by any group of people (by both children and pregnant persons).
Imagine a totally incredible natural substance, shown in studies to increase lifespan, prevent and combat even severe illnesses like cancer in every stage, with a positive effect on numerous other diseases like arthritis, circulatory diseases, diabetes and multiple sclerosis and which, if that wasn’t enough, regulates fat metabolism (helps with weight loss!) and has been sensationally shown in animal studies to double endurance ability...
This short description applies to resveratrol, a substance that has only been a focus of scientific attention for the past few years, but since then has been more intensively researched and has continually led to sensational insights!
This short description applies to resveratrol, a substance that has only been a focus of scientific attention for the past few years, but since then has been more intensively researched and has continually led to sensational insights!
Coenzyme Q10, ubiquinone, ubiquinol or simply ‘Q10’ – four terms that describe the same thing, namely an essential (necessary for life) vital substance with remarkable, even miraculous potential.
The discovery of the revolutionary enzyme Q10 was a milestone in the medical sciences and even led to a Nobel Prize in 1978 for its discoverer, Prof. Dr. Mitchell. Of the four listed terms, the term ‘Q10’ will be familiar to most of the members of the female sex from cosmetics, and some men will have also undoubtedly also taken note of the term. Hardly known to doctors, coenzyme Q10 has been successfully used as a matter of course for years in many other countries on this planet as a recognised therapy.
Supported by numerous representative studies and statements of world-famous experts in the realm of medicine, we will provide another piece of evidence for how reliant upon coenzyme Q10 we human beings are.
The discovery of the revolutionary enzyme Q10 was a milestone in the medical sciences and even led to a Nobel Prize in 1978 for its discoverer, Prof. Dr. Mitchell. Of the four listed terms, the term ‘Q10’ will be familiar to most of the members of the female sex from cosmetics, and some men will have also undoubtedly also taken note of the term. Hardly known to doctors, coenzyme Q10 has been successfully used as a matter of course for years in many other countries on this planet as a recognised therapy.
Supported by numerous representative studies and statements of world-famous experts in the realm of medicine, we will provide another piece of evidence for how reliant upon coenzyme Q10 we human beings are.